SMAR model

24th April 2024 

SAMR Model

SAMR model stands for  Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and RedefinitionThe SAMR model provides a valuable framework for educators (and anyone integrating technology) to critically analyze how ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) are being used. Here are some key points to consider:

Levels of Integration:

  • Substitution: This is the most basic level. Technology simply replaces traditional tools. For example, using a word processor instead of pen and paper for writing. While it can improve efficiency, it doesn't fundamentally change the task.
  • Augmentation: ICT enhances a task. A teacher might use a presentation tool with multimedia elements to explain a concept, making it more engaging than a plain lecture.
  • Modification: Technology changes the way a task is done. Students might use collaborative online tools to work together on a project, fostering communication and teamwork skills.
  • Redefinition: This is the most transformative level. Technology allows for completely new learning experiences impossible without it. Imagine a virtual reality field trip to an ancient civilization, bringing history to life in a way a textbook cannot

I have Designed a lesson plan to show an example for SAMR model:

Lesson Plan

Teacher Name: Jigme Dorji

Subject: Science

Topic: Healthy habits

Class: V

Time: 45 min

Teaching learning materials: Video, pictures and worksheets

ICT Model: SAMR model


Previous Knowledge:Learners have learnt about groups of food, types of nutrients present in food, balanced diet and food guide pyramid in their previous lessons.



After this lesson students will be able to:

1/ define the term healthy habits accurately after the video lesson

2/ Calculate Body Mass Index (BMI) correctly after the teachers explanation and by watching video

3/ Justify why a healthy eating habit is necessary for one’s own health after this lesson.


Lesson Introduction


The teacher will begin the class by greeting the students then will ask the following questions to the students to check their prior knowledge before introducing the topic.

Do you prefer eating fruits or sweets? Why? 

Is it healthy to eat chips? Why?

What are healthy and unhealthy health?

After the discussion, the teacher introduces the lesson “Healthy Habits” to the class through the lecture method and through this video


Lesson Development

After the introduction of concepts to the children the teacher will carry out some activity so that the students learn better.


Activity 1

Learners explore the scientific concepts on the impacts of consuming junk foods, tobacco, alcohol, and drugs on our health from answer the questions that follow in a group. 

1.    What is junk food?

2.    Why do people like junk food?

3.    What are the health effects of eating junk food?

4.    What can you do to limit yourself from eating junk food? 

5.    How does consumption of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs affect our health?

6.    How will you say no to tobacco, alcohol, and drugs? 


Extended learning activity

The teacher will let the students write what they ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Monitoring Activity

The teacher will move around, provide support to the students if needed and promote engagement.


Activity 2

After the student is done with the activity the teacher will provide another activity.

The teacher will let the students solve the questions given in this link


Follow up 

Let the students present their work to the class.


Lesson Closure

After the students are done with sharing the answers.

Then the teacher will ask some questions to check if the students have understood the lesson.

After that the teacher will summarize the key points.


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