
Showing posts from May, 2024

Digital Citizenship

My   Journey   as   a   Digital   Citizen The internet is amazing! It lets me connect with friends all over the world, learn new things, and play fun games. But just like riding a bike, there are some rules to follow online. This week, I learned about being a good digital citizen, which means using the internet in a smart and kind way. Being a good digital citizen is like being a good friend online. It means: Making sure everyone gets to play : Not everyone has a computer or internet access, and I want to help make sure everyone gets a chance to join the fun online! Spotting tricks : Sometimes the internet can be tricky, like those games that try to steal your points. I got to learn how to spot these tricks so I don't get fooled. Talking Nicely : When I chat with friends online, I got to be polite and respectful, just like when I'm talking to them in person. Using the tool right : There are so many cool things you can do online, but you got to know how to use them pr