Constructive Tool

Concept of Constructive Tool

Constructive tools are software applications within Information and Communication Technology (ICT) that allow users to create, manipulate, and organize information. They essentially help us to build something new. We integrate Constructive Tool in teaching and learning because it enables learners to build knowledge using technologies, learners brainstorm and visualize the relationship of understanding the concept, Enhances and fosters learners critical thinking motivates and helps in independent learning, Encourages learners to manipulate their own ideas and information & Encourage learners of the drill and practice. We integrate Constructive tool in teaching and learning through Simulation, PowerPoint, Desktop publisher, Creating simple website using Google sites, Word, Excel, PPT, mind maps. 

Reflection on Constructive Tool

On 9th May 2024 we learned about Constructive Tool which means software or applications in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) that allow users to create, manipulate, and organize information. After we learned about its concept we then looked why, how, resources, examples and its advantages in integrating it in Teaching and Learning. After we were done with it we explored Cmap to understand batter.
Engaging with constructive tools in class, especially through Cmap, has revolutionized my way of learning. Cmap goes beyond passive note-taking; it's an active process of knowledge construction. This mind mapping tool allows me to visualize and connect ideas, leading to a more profound understanding. The steps involved in using Cmap are straightforward: first, identify key concepts within the subject matter. Then, create bubbles on the map to represent these concepts. Next, comes the crucial step of establishing connections between concepts using linking phrases that express the relationship. This linking process clarifies the relationships and strengthens my grasp of the material. Finally, the visual format of Cmap serves as an excellent study tool, aiding in review and recall. Moreover, Cmap can be a collaborative tool, fostering shared brainstorming and knowledge building within groups. Moving forward, I plan to integrate Cmaps into various aspects of my learning, transforming them from passive information intake to active knowledge construction.

How can I integrate Constructive tool in my classroom?
To effectively use a tool in education, consider the subject, student age and skills, and the activities and projects. For example, students can use digital storytelling, interactive learning, collaborative projects, and physical construction to solidify understanding. Embrace the power of hands-on learning and incorporate artistic tools for expression. Start slowly, focus on learning objectives, provide differentiated instruction, and integrate the tool into assessments. Allow students to explore the tool's functionalities and find creative ways to use it. By integrating constructive tools, your classroom can become a dynamic environment for active learning.
here I have used Camtasia to create educational video on wild animals

what is C map?
CMap can refer to two main things, both related to creating and organizing knowledge:
 CmapTools: This is a specific software program developed by the Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition. CmapTools is a concept mapping software. Concept maps are visual tools that help you organize and represent knowledge around a particular topic. CmapTools allows you to create nodes for key concepts, connect them with lines, and add linking words to show relationships between the ideas.
Concept Maps in General: Sometimes, "Cmap" might be used in a more general sense to refer to concept maps themselves, rather than the specific software. So, someone might say "Let's create a Cmap" to mean "Let's create a concept map" using any tool or even on paper.


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