
SMAR model

24th April 2024   SAMR  Model SAMR model stands for  Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition .  The SAMR model provides a valuable framework for educators (and anyone integrating technology) to critically analyze how ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) are being used. Here are some key points to consider: Levels of Integration: Substitution:  This is the most basic level. Technology simply replaces traditional tools. For example, using a word processor instead of pen and paper for writing. While it can improve efficiency, it doesn't fundamentally change the task. Augmentation:  ICT enhances a task. A teacher might use a presentation tool with multimedia elements to explain a concept, making it more engaging than a plain lecture. Modification:  Technology changes the way a task is done. Students might use collaborative online tools to work together on a project, fostering communication and teamwork skills. Redefinition:  This is the most transformative

Digital Citizenship

My   Journey   as   a   Digital   Citizen The internet is amazing! It lets me connect with friends all over the world, learn new things, and play fun games. But just like riding a bike, there are some rules to follow online. This week, I learned about being a good digital citizen, which means using the internet in a smart and kind way. Being a good digital citizen is like being a good friend online. It means: Making sure everyone gets to play : Not everyone has a computer or internet access, and I want to help make sure everyone gets a chance to join the fun online! Spotting tricks : Sometimes the internet can be tricky, like those games that try to steal your points. I got to learn how to spot these tricks so I don't get fooled. Talking Nicely : When I chat with friends online, I got to be polite and respectful, just like when I'm talking to them in person. Using the tool right : There are so many cool things you can do online, but you got to know how to use them pr

TPACK model

30th April 2024   Learning about TPACK:   a   Powerful   Tool   for   Teaching This week, I learned about a cool framework called TPACK. It stands for Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge. Basically, it's a way for teachers to think about how to use technology in the classroom to teach stuff in the best way possible. TPACK is made up of three things: Tech Savvy: This means knowing all about the different tech tools and online resources available, and how they can be helpful (or not so helpful) in teaching. Teaching Tricks: This is all about the different ways teachers can explain things and help students learn. Subject Smarts: This is the knowledge a teacher has about the specific subject they're teaching, like math, science, or history. Here's the cool part: When you combine these three things, amazing things can happen! Imagine you're teaching about rivers in social studies. You could use TPACK to: Show pictures and diagrams on a projector to explain t

Middle level ICT Integration

1st June 2024 Middle   Level   ICT   of  ICT Integration In todays session , we were taught about using of PhET simulation. I have never used it before. However, after exploring about it, I found it as a very useful tool when it comes to teaching and learning. Firstly let me explain about the PhET.  It  was founded in 2002 by Nobel Laureate Carl Wieman. PhET began with Wieman's vision to improve the way science is taught and learned.  PhET  provides fun, free, interactive, research-based science and mathematics simulations. We have done a class activity using PhEt simulation which was very interesting. It was based on science subject. We were asked to construct a simple circuit by changing the number of wires, bulbs and battery. Then we were asked to measure the voltage and current when there is increase in the number of wires, bulbs and battery. Here are the pictures of the circuits that I have constructed using PHet simulation. After doing this activity, I found PhET simulation v

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